Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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Membership benefits    Membership Fees 

Members (MAIP), Fellows (FAIP) and Honorary Fellows have voting rights at AGMs.

Associate and Student Associate membership is without voting rights.

Member (MAIP)

This is the normal professional grade for physics graduates. Candidates for admission to the grade of Member (MAIP) shall have obtained either:

(i) a bachelor degree (or higher degree) with physics as a major subject or equivalent; or

(ii) a bachelor degree or diploma with a major in a cognate discipline (including astronomy and astrophysics, physical sciences, chemistry, geophysics, materials science, engineering, mathematics) and have at least three years professional experience in a role requiring a knowledge of physics (including teaching).

The discounted Member Full-Time Student rate is applicable for full-time postgraduate students.

To apply for Membership of the AIP, please complete the Online Application Form .

Fellow (FAIP)

Fellowship of the AIP (FAIP) is an honour that recognises significant acknowledged impact over a sustained period.

Impact may be demonstrated through:

  • Academic: outstanding original research 
  • Education: significant contributions to curriculum development or innovations in education
  • Industry: significant development or strategic-oversight of industrial applications of physics
  • Leadership and Service: leadership in government or industry; or outstanding contributions to outreach or service to physics

As a guide, AIP Fellowship normally requires:

      • an academic appointment at full professor level or, with strong justification, at associate professor level; or
      • a physics-based industry, government or teaching role of equivalent seniority and accomplishment.

Others who can make a strong case are encouraged to apply.

Evidence of recognised impact may include:

Invited presentations at international conferences and workshops; competitive research grants; publication and citation track record; supervision of research students; significant contributions to curriculum development; patents related to physics-based industry work; physics-based leadership and strategic oversight roles; physics-based outreach. A strong application would include several of the above.

Applicants must have a Proposer and a Seconder (or Supporter), who are both AIP Fellows and know the applicant personally. For more details, please see the Fellow application information (editable version of nomination form, including letter template).


For those with qualifications that do not satisfy MAIP requirements then the Associate category is applicable. This is available to anyone with an interest in physics. To apply for Associate Membership of the AIP, please complete the online application form.

Student Associate

Free online-only membership, without voting rights, for Australian students including undergraduate,  Honours, Masters and PhD students, studying physics. To apply for Student  Associate Membership of the AIP, please complete the online application form.

If you are undertaking a postgraduate degree it may be worth upgrading to the paid membership level: Member full-time student or Associate full-time student at a greatly reduced student fee. You would receive physical copies of the Australian Physics magazine, voting rights, discounted rate for the AIP Congress and Summer Meetings, and the ability to apply for AIP awards, prizes and travel grants.

Please note that free Student Associate membership does not qualify for discounted registration rates to the AIP Congress, Summer Meeting and other AIP events, as this benefit is only available to financial members.


Associates, Member and Fellows are encouraged to advise the AIP that they are retired or moving overseas to receive a discount on their membership fee. To do so please email the AIP:

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